
Availability of Court Time

OSBA enjoys gym space as a result of our application to the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board, the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, le Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario, and le Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est.

The use of school gyms is a privileges and OSBA players and parents are asked to respect all facilities and school workers are at times. The future use of school gyms is dependent on proper use of the gyms by all OSBA teams. If misuse or damage occurs it could result in the OSBA losing the use of the school.

Any deliberate misuse of our facilities may be subject to relevant disciplinary procedures.

Scheduling COnflict

Some conflicts and rescheduling are unavoidable given the number of players, activities, and demands on these facilities. However, we work closely with those in charge of the facilities and do our best to minimize unexpected conflicts and to keep rescheduling of games and practices to a minimum.